Family Bonding Activities
FAMILY BONDING KITS are an easy, affordable and practical way to support & encourage your employees & your school student's families juggling worklife, familylife, the cost of living stresses & device battles at home 
- which is just about everyone

How the DIY FAMILY BONDING KIT Version Works

What People are Saying .....

"The Family Bonding Kits are brilliant. As a counsellor I see the pain and disruption people experience through lack of connection with their loved ones and there are so many benefits in all areas of life in developing close connections between parent and kids. The Family Bonding Kits are so simple & making a huge difference in people's lives, and I can't recommend them highly enough"

Jacqui Wise - Professional Counsellor

"We are having great fun with
the Family Bonding Kit
- it helps create lots of laughs, connection
& great conversations at the table
 - we think it's a fantastic idea"

Roger, Ginny, Lilli, Lyric & Coda
These kits are perfect for:

🎁 Workplaces - Employee & Client families
🎁 Schools - Student families
🎁 Families in your local community
🎁 Family support organizations

By sharing these kits, you can make a positive impact in your community and encourage family bonding for your community

From as little as $6 per family

Help create some Unity & joy for your people with our DIY Family Bonding Kits!

Looking for an affordable yet meaningful gift to give to a large group of people?

Consider DIY Family Bonding Kits! 

How it all began…

Meet Sarsha and Mike, the FUN duo from Australia who have been running an exciting and interactive team bonding business for corporations for the past 17 years.

Here's a part of our story of how the Family Bonding Kits were created.....

A few years ago, life took a challenging turn when one of our daughters was struck with sudden & severe illness and we nearly lost her a couple of times. She inspired us with her courage to rise above it
But it still completely rocked our foundations to the core. 

Our faith was shaken & marriage, finances and wellbeing all fell to pieces in a very short amount of time.

It completely changed our world but we knew we had to do something for our family.

We soon realised we could draw on our own years of skills & experience in team bonding for corporate organisations and decided to create a FAMILY TEAM BONDING KIT for our own family team. Our daughters were 8, 13 & 15 and it was just what we needed to bring our own team back together again.

…..and thus
The Family Fun Boxes - Family Bonding Kit 
was proudly born.

It was amazing and it turned our family around in a huge way during our challenging times.

It also definitely helped us get off devices, get our fun spirits back and start truly connecting again.

We now have a fun, simple system ready to go each month. We usually picked the 
1st Sunday of the month as our family time
and pick an activity from the box.

We randomly pluck activities out & about that one of the kids wrote down, something creative at home or even just pick a topic/question from the Family Chats Category.

It usually always ends in a laugh about something which shifts the mood/atmosphere to fun/joyful one.

We still use it every week  and will continue to use for as long as we are a family. 

Without it, I don’t think we would have gotten our family mojo back.

Our challenge was minimal compared to so many other families hit with so many more external pressures, that introducing a Family Bonding Kit to help create regular family bonding at this time could be a simple antidote the world needs right now........

Just as there is a FAMILY FIRST AID KIT in every household cupboard for physical health
- there is now a need for a FAMILY BONDING KIT on every kitchen bench for Family Wellbeing.

In the midst of such bad news over the years, we are thrilled to present this Family Bonding Kit to the marketplace.

Below is a photo of one of our Family Fun Boxes Kit activities chosen by our middle daughter.
It’s of hubby Mike & our 3 girls.

I eventually jumped in after much coaxing from the family.... and was glad I did as this day was very fun!

Present and Engaged Employees

Present and Engaged Students

Copyright 2023 - Family Fun Boxes